Prologue; Sascha

Kategori: The Story

The guys were holding my arms in a fierce grip while Yulian walked over to the coach. He was holding his phone and he handed it over to coach. Coach looked at him with a questioning look.
- Пресс игра, тренер.
Press play, coach.
Coach looked at the phone and pressed a button. It was a video, but what was it on the video? I saw coaches face started to frown. Something happened. I could almost see fire in his eyes. What made him so upset?

- Тренер что это такое? Тренер! Ответь мне!
Coach what is that? Coach! Answer me!

He stood quiet. The video ended. And then he looked up at me. He looked like he was going to attack me.

Убирайся из моей тренажерном зале, вы грязи.
Get the hell out of my gym, you filth.

I stood paralyzed. The guys let go of my arms.

- Ты что, не слышишь меня?! Я сказал, нахуй мой спортзал!

I had never seen him so angry. I ran out of the gym as fast as I could, afraid that coach would run after me and beat me to death. What was on that video? Why did Yulian grin like that at me, more intense than he usually does? What did I do... Well I didn't have to wait long to get my answer. I got home. Where my dad was waiting for me. Ready to beat me up, screaming at me as loud as he could... Three words that was ringing in my ears, numbing my body, making me fall down to the bottom of despair:

- Чертов педик!
You fucking faggot!


Prologue; Layla

Kategori: The Story

You should only be able to hear your own heartbeat. Every other sound should be erased. You loose that concentration you loose everything. I was so concentrated I could hear the tiny drops of the sweat from my forehead hit the floor, followed by my heartbeat ringing in my ears. I had it. Full control. Nothing could make me loose the incredible power I had over my body. That, at least until I heard;
- Vy dolzhny bytʹ bystreye.
You have to be swifter.
My knees turned into liquid. I had the power, and I lost it. This guy made me go nuts. All the sounds came back. I could no longer hear my heartbeat. Shit. Now I knew what was coming to me. That look of his. The look that I hated so incredibly much. That look of despise, hatred and anger... and lustThe life of a dancer is not always glamorous. Especially not my life. I've danced since I was just a little girl. Later on in life I managed to get into a ballet school. The greatest ballet school in all of Russia. My mother always wanted me to become the best ballet dancer in the world. She used to train me day and night, all those hours of blood, sweat and tears. It was torture for a little girl like me. Living up to my mothers dream. HER dream, not mine. I got used to dancing always. Until I discovered that wasn't me. It was too easy. I wanted it to be more of a challenge. So I managed to be the one in control. After my mothers death it became easier. I became the girl that other girls could just dream of becoming. Men adored me, hung after me like vultures around a corpse. All this fame, would soon become a greater fear of mine that I never could've dreamed of. And I wasn't even twenty yet.
I am Layla Golovanov. The girl of your dreams and nightmares.
One day my name will be even greater than it is now.
I am Layla Golovanov.
The greatest ballet dancer in Russia.
I am; The Morbid Dancer.

Prologue; Raavi

Kategori: The Story


My mother stood by the door. She was smiling at me, as only a loving mother could.
She told me she loved me, and gently shut the door. I lay awake, looking out at the stars
while the candle on my bed-table flickered in the wind. I imagined it was a star. That had fallen
down, and had landed here beside me, giving me the chance to make one hundred wishes.
All those wishes I had, one day they would come true. I believed so. My eyes were getting heavier as I lay my head down on the pillow. One last wish, just before I fall asleep. Just one more:

- I wish I could see the world...

I didn't realize that my wish, would change my life for the worse. I was dreaming that I heard a woman scream. An enormous explosion occured, right outside my window. My head was numbed by the shockwave. Did a star fall down...? A shape of a man was in front of me. He had grabbed my shoulders and shook them rapidly. I could only hear a subdued sound of a heartbeat. My sight was blurry, and as the shape was starting to get clearer, I heard a faint voice.

- Raa... Raavi... Raavi! Fiul meu, trezește-te, trebuie să plece!
My son, wake up, you must leave!

I came to my senses and saw my father. He was bleading from his forehead and the room was full of smoke. My heartbeat rose as I did not realize what just had happened. My father pulled me up and led me out of the room. The house was on fire and I could hardly see a thing. As we were trying to get out of the house I suddenly stopped moving, and I stared into the fire. There was something lying on the floor. Covered in flames. A person... Mom. Time stopped. I saw my mother burn right in front of me. That's a thing a child should never have to see. My eyes began to hurt a lot, as when a mixture of fire, smoke and tears stung them. I felt my fathers hand grab me and pulled me out of the burning building. He lifted me up and started to run. From over his shoulder I could see soldiers invade the village, followed by a big tank. Probably the one causing the explosions. My shirt was covered with my fathers blood. He ran and ran and ran.

This was when I realized, my wish was about to come true:
I would never see my home in Sulina again.

- Tată ... Mama e mort ...
Father... Mom is dead...